8 signs that someone likes you

Frequent Eye Contact They make consistent eye contact, which suggests they’re genuinely interested in you.

Genuine Smiles They often smile when you’re around, showing that they enjoy your presence.

Engages in Conversations: They initiate conversations and seem eager to keep them going, asking questions about your life.

Compliments You They give you sincere compliments, often noticing small details about your appearance or personality.

Physical Closeness They try to stay close to you, whether by sitting next to you or finding excuses to touch you lightly.

Mirroring Behavior They subconsciously mimic your gestures, posture, or speech patterns, indicating a deep connection.

Makes Time for You They go out of their way to spend time with you, even when it’s inconvenient for them.

Acts Nervous Around You: They might seem a bit nervous or fidgety in your presence, a sign of being self-conscious.

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