Coach explains how running can seriously harm health

Injury Risk Running, especially on hard surfaces or with improper form, can lead to various injuries. Common issues.

Joint Wear and Tear The repetitive impact of running can contribute to joint problems, particularly in the knees and hips.

Muscle Imbalances Running predominantly uses the lower body muscles. Without complementary strength training and stretching, this can create.

Overtraining Syndrome Excessive running without adequate rest can lead to overtraining syndrome.

Mental Stress For some, the pressure to maintain a running regimen can lead to psychological stress or anxiety, particularly if.

Dehydration and Nutritional Deficiencies Long-distance running increases the risk of dehydration and may lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients.

Heart Stress While running is generally good for cardiovascular health, extreme endurance running might put excessive strain on the heart..

Cardiovascular Strain While running improves cardiovascular health, excessive or high-intensity running without proper recovery can strain the heart.

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