How big is the average Social Security check of a middle-class retiree?
Average Benefit
As of 2024, the average Social Security check for retired workers is around $1,850 per month.
Lifetime Earnings
The benefit amount depends on your lifetime earnings. Higher lifetime earnings result in a larger check.
Full Retirement Age (FRA)
Your full retirement age is when you're eligible to receive 100% of your calculated benefits.
Early Retirement
Claiming benefits at 62 reduces your monthly check by up to 30%.
Delayed Retirement
Delaying benefits past your FRA increases your monthly benefit by up to 8% per year until age 70.
Maximum Benefit
In 2024, the maximum monthly benefit at FRA is about $4,555.
Middle-Class Range
Middle-class retirees often see benefits between $1,500 and $2,500 monthly.
Social Security benefits may be taxable depending on your overall income level, reducing the net amount you receive.
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